October 13, 2022 – The ROBO Global Index Management Committee voted to remove the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) from the eligible exchange list effective with the next rebalance in December 2022.

    March 8, 2021 – The ROBO Global Index Management Committee approved version 4.1 of the Rules for the Management of the ROBO Global® Set of Indices which introduces the ROBO Global® US Listed Index Series.

    February 9, 2021 – The ROBO Global Index Management Committee approved version 4.0 of the Rules for the Management of the ROBO Global® Set of Indices.  Changes include the introduction of the “ROBO Score” as a replacement for the Bellwether/Non-Bellwether weighting approach in the ROBO Global Robotics and Automation Index Series, as well as updates to the minimum and maximum number of holdings.  Additionally, for all index series, the Liquidity Warning Level was removed and new values were established for the New Component Liquidity Requirement and Liquidity Removal Level.

    January 11, 2021 – The indices created and administered by ROBO Global aim to fully comply with all applicable sanctions globally, including but not limited to sanctions issued by the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”), the United Nations (“UN”) and the European Union (“EU”).  In regards to Executive Order 13959 relating to Communist Chinese Military Companies and associated guidance issued by OFAC, our policy is to prohibit inclusion into any ROBO Global index any securities of those entities listed under EO 13959, and to remove, when necessary, any securities of subsequently sanctioned entities listed by OFAC.

    December 29, 2020 – Following consultation and in accordance with ROBO Global’s index cessation policy, the ROBO Global Index Management Committee voted to cease publication of the ROBO Global Disruptive Technology Index immediately following the publication on June 30, 2021.

    December 18, 2020 – The ROBO Global ® Index Committee met to approve the changes resulting from the application of the index rules at the quarterly review and rebalance, for which the ROBO Global® Industry Classification System was an input. There was one company added and two companies deleted. These changes became effective on 18th December 2020. For further information on the ROBO Global® Industry Classification or ROBO Global® Index Series please contact us at info@roboglobal.com

    December 18, 2020 – The ROBO Global® Index Committee met to approve the changes resulting from the application of the index rules at the quarterly review and rebalance, for which the ROBO Global® Industry Classification System was an input. There was one company added and three companies deleted to the ROBO Global® Artificial Intelligence Index (THNQ). These changes became effective on 18th December 2020. For further information on the ROBO Global® Industry Classification or ROBO Global® Index Series please contact us at info@roboglobal.com

    December 18, 2020 – The ROBO Global® Index Committee met to evaluate and approve proposed changes resulting from our research and application of index rules as a part of our quarterly review and rebalance process. As a result of our Q4 meeting, three companies have been deleted from The ROBO Global® Healthcare Technology and Innovation Index (HTEC). These changes became effective on 18th December 2020. For further information on the ROBO Global® Industry Classification or ROBO Global® Index Series please contact us at info@roboglobal.com

    December 10, 2020 – The ROBO Global Index Management Committee announced that it will consult on its intention to cease publication of the ROBO Global Disruptive Technology Index immediately following the publication on June 30, 2021.  For questions or to provide feedback to the committee, please contact info@roboglobal.com.