What is ROBO Global?

    ROBO Global is an index, advisory, and research company that is wholly focused on helping investors capture the unique opportunities of fast-growing robotics, artificial intelligence, and healthcare technology companies around the world.

    Our goal is to provide investors with an opportunity for exposure to the robotics market through a diversified and thorough index.


    How Do I License the ROBO Global Indices?

    For licensing information, please email info@roboglobal.com


    How Do I Invest in the ROBO Global Portfolios?

    Please visit the financial product page here to select your country and redirect to the financial products tracking the ROBO Global indices.


    What Kind of Companies Are in the Portfolios?

    The companies in the ROBO Global indices are publicly traded with a portion of their revenues derived from robotics, AI, or healthcare technology.


    Is ROBO Global a Robo Advisor?

    No. ROBO Global is a team of financial and industry experts focused on maintaining innovative investment portfolios.


    What is the Context for Long-Term Investments in Robotics & Automation?

    Robotics and automation are a set of technological developments that influence every aspect of how we, and future, generations live. Advancing technology, increased automation, and a growing population are driving a rapidly evolving robotic and automation revolution. This means investors should strive to invest in a portfolio that captures the rapidly changing nature of robotics and automation.


    How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Investments in Robotics & Automation?

    In the case of robotics and automation, we expect COVID-19 to advance the investment case, for the following reasons:

    • Technology has become essential for life in quarantine, which often involves—for example—remote working, social distancing, and telemedicine;
    • The robotic and automation index is far removed from the sectors worst affected by COVID-19, such as energy, travel, hospitality, and traditional retail.


    Have There Been Changes Made to the ROBO Index Because of COVID-19?

    Not currently. With our modified equal-weighting system, the ROBO index has 87 members. Each quarter, ROBO Global resets company weights and makes adjustments as needed, but all subsectors and index members currently facilitate long-term developments in robotics and automation.


    How Does ROBO Global Translate These Themes into Portfolios?

    We’ve worked closely with the industry experts on our strategic advisory board to create the ROBO Global Industry Classification System. When choosing from our database, publicly traded, global companies must:

    • Fit within one of the portfolio subsectors;
    • Have a minimum threshold of revenue related to robotics, automation, and AI;
    • Be in a position of technology leadership;
    • Be focused on growth within robotics, AI, or healthcare technology;
    • Adhere to the ROBO Global ESG Policy.

    These classifications result in very little overlap with other tech-focused funds and ETFs.


    How is Active Research Incorporated into ROBO Global’s Index Strategy?

    We have incorporated active research into the index strategy so that ROBO Global can identify relevant subsectors and best-in-class companies. Active research is fundamental to ensuring the index is able to evolve with the theme.


    How Does ROBO Global’s Strategy Differ from That of Its Competitors?

    We incorporate active research and industry insight from our leading team of industry experts. This gives our investors a forward-looking view of opportunity and pure exposure to the best-in-class robotics and automation companies. Through this strategy, ROBO Global is able to offer investors greater potential for long-term growth. In comparison, the bulk of competitors depend on backward-looking data from non-specialist index providers.


    Does ROBO Global Exercise ESG Criteria?

    Most certainly. ROBO Global’s index adheres to a strict ESG policy, which reflects the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, as well as the UN’s Principles of Responsible Investment. Decisions pertaining to ESG criteria are reevaluated and published in the quarterly index rebalancing updates. 

    You can read more in detail about ROBO Global’s ESG approach here.